
Hi everyone, it has been awhile!

What happened to the food blog? Welllll… I’m not gonna lie but I was pretty fired up about it at the start. Taking photos of food and restaurants, scheduling time to make each weekly post, receiving “traction” on my blog and getting to interact (Virtually) with my fellow blogging counterparts… It was a routine which got me hella excited, and one which made me look forward to and appreciate each food eatery just a little bit more.

And then… Year 2 of University began, and I had to fly back to the UK.

Could I have continued on despite being in the UK, and not Malaysia? Probably. There are a lot of food eateries in the UK as well, aren’t there? (Let’s look past the stigma of UK food being bad for a moment haha, to be honest after having lived here for 4 years, I have to say that good food IS present, as long as you know where to look (And if you have cash)) 😛

No, the more honest reason why I stopped was because I found the nature of food reviews to be a bit repetitive. Every food review came with the comment of “this tasted good” or “this tasted fantastic”; it was a bit formulaic, and the phrases that I used to describe food tended to be a bit repetitive.

And hence I stopped.

What has happened since then? Well… For transparency’s sake, I guess there is a part of me which does regret not continuing on. I look at blogs like Bangsar Babe, and I realise that blogs like those only got to the point they did, because of consistency! But ultimately, I do look back at what I have achieved with the blog so far with pride, and I feel happy that it is receiving traction even up to today (3 years after the last post!); it really does make me feel that the recommendations that I made are helping other people, in its own little way.

3 years on and a lot has happened; I do check back on my blog from time to time via the WordPress app, but this is the first time that I properly logged back in to my account (As I thought I’d lost my login details! How glad am I that that’s not the case haha!)

What comes next after this? Well… What I do know is that I want to continue writing, I want to keep this blog alive. “Variety is the spice of life”; but in this case, I plan to diversify the “spice” beyond the food realm. Music, books, life etc; there are so many genres to experiment on!

So keep with me as I enter the new era of my blog; as the name of the blog suggests, follow along the journey as Jer grows up!

Much love,


PS: There were plans to continue on with the blog… Here’s a little look at my drafts, or what “Could have been” 🙂

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